

Founded in 1953, the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) is a leading professional society. Its vision is to reach the unreached and empower the youth through Technical Education and Skill development with a Mission for Advancement of Electronics, Telecommunication, Information Technology & other related disciplines; to contribute in Nation's Human Resource & Infrastructure Development through our Engineers & Scientists. The Government of India, Ministry of Science and Technology, Department of Scientific & Industrial Research has recognized IETE as a Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (SIRO). The Institution has also been notified as an Educational Institution of National Eminence by the Government of India. IETE is governed by its elected Governing Council headed by an elected President. It has on its roll the Secretary General – the head of IETE Secretariat as Chief Executive. The Institution is managed through various Committees and Boards nominated by the Governing Council. The 63 Centers are spread all over India 02 abroad and are managed by respective Executive Committees. To keep pace with technological development and achieve the mission, it organizes conferences, conventions, symposia, seminars, workshops, publications and brain storming sessions for continued knowledge upgradation of its members.

Executive Community


“Chairman Professor,Dept. of ECE Sri Siva Subramaniya Nadar College Of Engineering venkateswaran.iete@gmail.com “

Mr. Shakthi Murugan

“ Honarary Secretary Assistant Professor / ECE Jeppiaar Maamallan Engineering College shakthimuruganece@gmail.com“

Mrs T J Jeyaprabha

“Honarary Treasurer Assistant Professor / ECE Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering jprabha@svce.ac.in “

Dr. Tata Sudhakar

“Immd Post Chairman tatasudhakar@gmail.com“

Dr C Udayakumar

“EC Member cukumar@gmail.com “

Dr V Thulasibai

“Dr V Thulasibai EC Member thulasi9840@gmail.com “


“The IETE membership is available at different levels based on the applicants' academic qualifications and practical experience in electronics, telecommunications, computers, information technology and related areas. Applicants are invited to seek the highest membership grade they are qualified for. The membership categories are:”

Corporate Members:

1.Honorary fellow (HF) (elected),

2.Distinguished Fellow (DF) (elected)

3.Fellow (F)

4.Member (M)

5.Associate member (AM)

Non-Corporate Members:

6. Associate (A),

7. Organisational Member (ORG),

8. AMIETE Student (AMIETE),

9. DIPIETE Student (DipIETE),

10. Diploma Member (DipIETE Passout) (DIP)

Contact Us

“30th May, 2022 Webinar on IoT Security(WISE-2022)”